Daily Truthful Actions

Daily Truthful Actions (DTAs), a concept created by ekoYOU, are the actions we believe you need to take every day to make the changes you want in your life.

Choose the Daily Truthful Actions that resonate with you and then commit to making them a daily practice – until they become part of your new way of being.

Here are a few to get you thinking.  It may be best to tackle one at a time!

*These ways of being were inspired by, and some found in, the writings of Lynda Field: 60 Ways To Feel Amazing.


What’s worrying you? Are you afraid, and what of? What’s standing in your way?

Our biggest fear is of fear itself.  The greatest way to overcome fear is to be bold.

When we act boldly, we release powerful forces into the universe.  And when we give it all we’ve got, our underused abilities become unlocked – like our creativity, strength, stamina, endurance, flexibility and commitment.

Face your fear.  Think Boldly.  Act boldly.  Feel amazing.



We all make mistakes.  Everyone has thought and done things they wished they hadn’t.  If you’re hiding those things away it means you’ll also be carrying a burden of guilt and shame, as well as the fear that they will be revealed.

Open the closet and bring out your skeletons.

When they’re out, give them a good airing.  Look at each one from a distance.  Put right anything that you can.  Let them rattle off in peace.

Your energy will increase once you do this, and you will feel fantastic.



When we feel low we often compare ourselves with others – and it isn’t very favourable.

Do you ever compare yourself with others?

When we do that we buy into the concept of a comparative scale of self-worth: I’m not as beautiful as… but I’m more beautiful than… or I’m not clever enough/good enough to do that.

Next time you start to compare yourself with someone else become aware of what you’re doing.  And STOP!

Instead say, I am good enough.

You are a unique person.  Make positive affirmations about yourself and your life will become a positive experience.



How do you feel when someone pays you a compliment?  Perhaps you don’t believe them and make throwaway comments that spoil the effect of the compliment.

Would you bother to compliment someone again if they don’t accept it first time?

Teach yourself how to accept a compliment.  The next time someone says something nice about you just say ‘thank you’.  It might be difficult so just keep on trying.

Accept a compliment and you will feel wonderful… and so will the person giving it.



Nothing is actually stressful in itself.  Hard to believe right?

Yet stress lies in the eye of the beholder.  It’s only if you see a person, situation, or event as threatening that you will register stress.

Try this:

Think of a personal situation that’s a problem for you right now.

Can you see your problem in glorious technicolour – try it.  Now, drain all the colour out of the picture.  Then shrink the picture so it disappears.  In its place put a bright, new, positive image – in which all your problems have been resolved.

Practise reframing your negative pictures to take the stress out of your life.  It works.



To allow good things into your life you must believe that you deserve the best.

Do you think that you deserve to fulfil your dreams and to have the very best that life has to offer?

Do you believe that you don’t deserve very much or, in fact, that you deserve nothing at all?

Take a close look at your beliefs about what you think you deserve and repeat this affirmation over and over:

I deserve the best in life.

Anywhere you are, just say it – in the car, at work, in the shower.  Believe that you deserve the best and you will get it!



Whenever you feel your life is running out of control, stop and say to yourself:

Remember, be here now!

If you get so organised that you’re busy living in the future or are rushing to keep track of time, then you’re missing the real pleasure of the moment.

The power is always in the moment.  Stop for a moment now.  Can you feel the now.

‘Later’ doesn’t actually exist because we’re only conscious in the present moment. Later always lies in the future.

Take time to appreciate the precious moments in life.


We can attract miracles into our lives only if we truly believe they are possible.  Miracles are love in action and if you believe, they will happen to you.

Forget about not really allowing yourself to believe in case you’re disappointed.  That fear of disappointment will stand in your way forever! Expect a miracle for a week.

Believe with all your heart that a miracle will happen and keep trusting. It may not be the one you were expecting but something amazing will happen.

Belief.  It’s the most powerful magic of all.



We can be in control of our own healing, whatever problems or illness we face.  That doesn’t mean we don’t need doctors.  It means we can find out all we can about our condition without expecting that the doctor will just sort us out.  It means taking prescribed medicine but also investigating alternative approaches.  Whether physical or psychological you can still be in control of your own healing.

Look at your lifestyle and nutrition:  Do they support good health?

Are your relationships supportive or stressful?  Do you love your work or is it winding you up?

Look beyond a single symptom; look at the whole picture of your life and take charge of your own healing.



What a wonderful phrase!  It conjures up the image of risk-taking, decision-making, accepting challenges and making things happen in a harmonious way.  

Maybe you will have to learn to say ‘no’ more often; you might have to put up with people not liking you or being envious of you, but always remember, whose life is this anyway?

Decide to be assertive. Face the challenges that life brings in a positive way and dance to your own tune.  Dance and the world will dance with you.



Here’s an exercise that will help you to calm your mind, which is something worth doing every day.  Life is so busy.

Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing.

Notice the muscle in your abdomen, just below your rib cage, which rises and falls as you breathe.  Follow its movement.

Each time the muscle rises think, ‘Rising’ and every time it falls, think ‘Falling’.

Rising … falling … rising … falling.

Let all your other thoughts drift away as you focus on this muscle.

At first your mind will keep wandering off. Each time it does, follow it and bring it back to focus on ‘Rising … falling … rising…’

Keep trying for a few minutes a day and it will get easier and easier.  It’s a great way to calm your mind.



Life can get hard and at times difficulties can seem to appear whichever way you turn.  It’s natural to feel dejected.

When we’re in the midst of a trauma we’re not inclined to take any helpful advice on how to feel better.  We need to experience the sadness, grief, anger, rage, hurt, shame – or whatever other strong emotions we’re going through.

The darkest light is truly just before the dawn.  Never EVER give up on life.  Believe in yourself and know that you can and will feel joyous and hopeful again.