At ekoYOU, we're experienced business and life coaches, as well as change leaders and practitioners.

We support you to explore and identify where you are in life - in business and at home, and cheer you on to take life and business to the next level - whatever a good life and business looks like to you.

With the guidance and support of ekoYOU, you'll begin to make those positive changes in your life, whether you join our free community for couples in business, or work with us through our programmes, or couples in business and one-on-one coaching.

We'll help you to reach your personal, professional and creative potential.  Because we're walking the path with you, too.

Supporting Supercouples
in Business

Do you want to unlock the potential of the unique partnership that only you have and thrive together in business, even through challenges?

We support you to elevate your duo’s dynamics & discover custom strategies to ignite your couple’s strengths in business.

Align your individual & couple needs with your business vision to create the business you dreamed of when you started out.

Ready to start your journey to abundance in business - whatever abundance means to you?

A supportive community is waiting for you.

Join Mike & Lis's FREE community, Abundant Couples in Business, helping couples in business apply the magic, power & potential of their unique partnership.

See you on the inside, where you can download this book and stacks of free resources and tools!


Often, we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life. But when it hits you that perhaps the life you're living isn't serving you as you'd like, this might be the nudge you need to make a change.

Our Creating My Good Life and Abundance in Business programmes help participants understand, explore and take action to create change that sticks, so that life feels just right for them.

Whether for you, both of you, or your team, our programmes provide self-development opportunities that will positively support change. 

So that everyone lives their best life, individually and together in partnership, at home and in business.

One on One Coaching

Life is busy and often chaotic, and we spend a lot of time just doing stuff to exist. For some, or many, we actually rush around so much we end up lost from ourselves, and stuck in life. At some point in our lives, however fleeting the moment, we all feel that we’d “really love to ...” or “wish I could ...” Our inner desires or dreams, obscure or clear, reveal themselves. 

When you're a leader or a couple in business together, it's even more important to keep your individual life dreams alive.

Working with ekoYOU in a one on one coaching space is an opportunity to stop and evaluate where you are, and check that it’s the best place for you to be to achieve what's important for you to live your good life. Change is constant. Checking in to find out whether we’re on our best course is essential to create our very best life, and is fundamental to thriving together in business.